Rug Cleaning

Do you know how to keep the soft Oriental rugs in your home looking as new as the day you bought them? Some people who own exquisite Oriental rugs rue the day they tried to clean them themselves. These rugs are most times made out of silk, wool or cotton and not knowing how to clean them properly can ruin them, causing the colors to run.

Caring for your Oriental rug the right way is important if you want to maintain its original beauty and vibrant colors. They have to be cleaned regularly to prolong their life. This is best achieved with a professional cleaning company that takes pride in preserving the colors of your rug.

An Oriental rug can get very dirty, not only in terms of marks and stains, but when actual dirt lodges in the rug’s fibers. Your oriental rug is a unique work of art and the best Oriental rug cleaning team keeps it like that.

Purified Soft Water is Used

The specially trained staff know how to clean rugs without damaging them by using safe, eco-friendly ways to clean them. Even the water used on the rugs is purified soft water. Experienced rug experts know that not using soft water can actually affect the silk or wool and make it that the whites in your rug are tired-looking and sightly yellow. Therefore hard water is avoided at all times.

Debris Lurking in Fibers is Removed

Oriental Rug Repair is expert in rug cleaning field ,We remove all dust ad contaminants lurking in the fibers washing the rug with special shampoos after first testing the colors. The rug is rinsed thoroughly to make sure no residue is left. The rugs are then dried in ideal air drying conditions to guarantee no mold or bacteria. Your rug is then gently groomed to ensure the fibers lie in the right direction. When you choose Oriental Rug Repair to tackle the cleaning of your exquisite rugs, you get rug experts with more than 25 years of experience. We’re licensed and insured and the benefits of using us is that you get your rug back looking and smelling bright, vibrant and fresh.
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